Hello again,
¬Welcome to the fourth installment of the blog series which is better than my friends Linford Bennett’s blog. Although please don’t expect a level of coherence of an English paper because I do not get marked on this as I do in my English classes and have written this over a couple of sessions and don’t always remember what I have already talked about. Anyway… This semester has been quite busy and long so far. The weather slowly transitioned from winter jacket to pants and a sweatshirt to finally just recently shorts and a t-shirt and from what people tell me I escaped my first year with a very warm winter by Ohio’s standards. Many times people here explain the strange weather by saying that Ohio for you or something along those lines, but coming from Melbourne where it will be sunny, pouring down rain and then sunny again in the space of an hour the weather here is nothing. I continue to learn new sayings and pronunciations of different words constantly, when I went to blaze the other day - a make your own pizza place - I had significant trouble telling my name to the person I eventually had to call my friend Kevin to pronounce my name to them.
In terms of volleyball my team is going very well and are about to start our post season Conference tournament in which we go in ranked number one and are slotted at number two nationally on the coaches poll. Since January myself and the other red shirts have been doing some sort of lifting/conditioning on every weekday and I don't believe we have missed one day. Combine this with practices and school made for a tough first half of this semester and spring break (a week off classes) could not have come soon enough. Coming out of my first season of being involved in college volleyball I am in the best physical shape of my career with more important improvements I will be striving to make over the summer which will be winter back home.
I don't say this to show myself off its simply what happens when you put in the work and lift heavy weights against gravity often and is a benefit of coming to a program like the one I am privileged to be a part of. At the same time I have no doubt that our conditioning is helping to keep me as injury free as a volleyballer can be. As my first year counts down the time till I leave seems to be moving slower and slower as it gets closer and probably still seems a while away because I have a few assignments which I have to finish in the next few weeks and I really don’t want to do them. This is a very common situation in college where person x gets work y but the person really doesn’t want to do the work so in an attempt to get it done does not do it until the last minute. If you are an engineer student this becomes a way of life not because you are procrastinating but from the sheer work load you are given on a weekly basis. But don’t worry I’m sure if you want to be an engineer you’ll enjoy it … hopefully ;)
One funny thing about coming into college after going to a high school with a uniform is that you have to learn the ways of wearing what you want to everyday- so after arriving with what I thought was a reasonable amount of clothes I have since significantly increased my wardrobe on top of a few items we receive as part of the team. After 8 months of eating at the dining halls here I can safely say I’m very much looking forward to eating some home cooked meals when I get home. Well I think I have covered all things of interest from this Spring Semester here in Ohio, and am looking forward to being home shortly. Before I finish I have to give a big Shoutout to Gerrard Lipscombe fellow GMVA blogger and Victorian who after the regular season was selected in the MIVA all-conference first team, this is awarded based on a votes from all the coaches in the conference. It’s pretty cool seeing a fellow Australian making a mark like this on the college scene so great work Gez! Thanks for reading everyone- hope you laughed or learnt something new from this post.
¬Welcome to the fourth installment of the blog series which is better than my friends Linford Bennett’s blog. Although please don’t expect a level of coherence of an English paper because I do not get marked on this as I do in my English classes and have written this over a couple of sessions and don’t always remember what I have already talked about. Anyway… This semester has been quite busy and long so far. The weather slowly transitioned from winter jacket to pants and a sweatshirt to finally just recently shorts and a t-shirt and from what people tell me I escaped my first year with a very warm winter by Ohio’s standards. Many times people here explain the strange weather by saying that Ohio for you or something along those lines, but coming from Melbourne where it will be sunny, pouring down rain and then sunny again in the space of an hour the weather here is nothing. I continue to learn new sayings and pronunciations of different words constantly, when I went to blaze the other day - a make your own pizza place - I had significant trouble telling my name to the person I eventually had to call my friend Kevin to pronounce my name to them.
In terms of volleyball my team is going very well and are about to start our post season Conference tournament in which we go in ranked number one and are slotted at number two nationally on the coaches poll. Since January myself and the other red shirts have been doing some sort of lifting/conditioning on every weekday and I don't believe we have missed one day. Combine this with practices and school made for a tough first half of this semester and spring break (a week off classes) could not have come soon enough. Coming out of my first season of being involved in college volleyball I am in the best physical shape of my career with more important improvements I will be striving to make over the summer which will be winter back home.
I don't say this to show myself off its simply what happens when you put in the work and lift heavy weights against gravity often and is a benefit of coming to a program like the one I am privileged to be a part of. At the same time I have no doubt that our conditioning is helping to keep me as injury free as a volleyballer can be. As my first year counts down the time till I leave seems to be moving slower and slower as it gets closer and probably still seems a while away because I have a few assignments which I have to finish in the next few weeks and I really don’t want to do them. This is a very common situation in college where person x gets work y but the person really doesn’t want to do the work so in an attempt to get it done does not do it until the last minute. If you are an engineer student this becomes a way of life not because you are procrastinating but from the sheer work load you are given on a weekly basis. But don’t worry I’m sure if you want to be an engineer you’ll enjoy it … hopefully ;)
One funny thing about coming into college after going to a high school with a uniform is that you have to learn the ways of wearing what you want to everyday- so after arriving with what I thought was a reasonable amount of clothes I have since significantly increased my wardrobe on top of a few items we receive as part of the team. After 8 months of eating at the dining halls here I can safely say I’m very much looking forward to eating some home cooked meals when I get home. Well I think I have covered all things of interest from this Spring Semester here in Ohio, and am looking forward to being home shortly. Before I finish I have to give a big Shoutout to Gerrard Lipscombe fellow GMVA blogger and Victorian who after the regular season was selected in the MIVA all-conference first team, this is awarded based on a votes from all the coaches in the conference. It’s pretty cool seeing a fellow Australian making a mark like this on the college scene so great work Gez! Thanks for reading everyone- hope you laughed or learnt something new from this post.