College Introduction ServiceAt GMVA we have a very proud history of placing male and female athletes in the USA and Canadian college systems. In fact, we have placed 72 athletes, that's more than the rest of Australia combined. So we like to think we are doing something right.
Male College Database: We have every single head coach from every college that has a male volleyball program in the USA and Canada in every division. NCAA D1, NCAA D2, NCAA D3, U-Sport, NAIA, Canada Div 2, CCAAA. Currently 282 coaches and programs. Female College Database: We have every single NCAA D1 program, every NCAA D2 program, over 150 NAIA programs and every Junior College program. Currently the list stands at 1176 coaches and programs across the USA. In Canada we also have access to the entire U-Sport League for females. Placement Agents: You can choose to use an agent, and pay fees of between $6000 and $16000, with no assurance of having success and finding a college that is actually right for you and is affordable if there is any cost. The also have hundreds of players from all around the world on their books. We are only working with a select group of athletes from a small pool in Australia and New Zealand. What We Do: Help you create your Volleyball Profile and CV - click here Help you design your highlights video - click here Continue to give you guidance through the process even after the introductions are done But remember, we are not an agency, and will not complete the process for you. We will create the connection and give assistance only Our Cost: It's simple, transparent and cheap. Initial meetings to discuss the process with your family: - FREE Once you're on borad: For GMVA Athletes: $350 to access the database and have your profile emailed directly to hundreds of coaches, then $450 to receive any live leads to colleges. $800 total. For Non GMVA Athletes: $450 to access the database and have your profile emailed directly to hundreds of coaches, then $750 to receive any live leads to colleges. $1200 total. Finally, a short recommendation of the service you received. So what do you have to loose??? Testimonials from already placed athletes
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